First and foremost, I want to thank you for entrusting me with leading the San Antonio League
for another two years. I start this term with renewed vigor, a robust team and a specific focus -
preparing young people in Bexar County for electoral participation.
This summer, we revamped the Youth Initiative section of the website. There is information about how they can help at the polls, be part of the Youth Initiative leadership team along with information about the upcoming election and important election resources.
We have started accepting submissions for the third annual Youth Contest. The topic is:
My Hope. My Vote. My Future.
Click to get submission details and enter the contest
Three scholarships will be awarded this year in the amounts of $500, $250 and $100 in each
group – High school and College.
Please help us spread the word of this contest by posting it on your social media platforms, by
sharing it with your educator friends and by encouraging high school and college students you
know to participate.
Download Flyer
Youth Initiative Hub